recent movies

February 20, 2025 @ 12:14

Runaway (1984): I remember seeing this a few times in the 80's, it seems like it'd be kinda bad but it's actually really good! Obviously the technology is not realistic, but it's an interesting take on "what if the robots revolt?" that still kinda holds up today. And Gene Simmons as a bad guy is pretty amusing.

Cukoo (2024): I really don't dig a lot of horror, but this was pretty decent. Very creepy, and Hunter Schafer is great as always.

Pitch Black (2000): I saw this in the theatre when it was first released, and loved it then - still do! I actually forgot just how much of a horror movie this really is. I especially love the opening sequence, right when I'm trying to write sci-fi stories about space ships. It's also the start of Vin Diesel playing the same character in basically every movie he's ever done.

The Predator (2018): The first Predator movie was great, the second.. okay, but mostly it was saved by Danny Glover. The rest... mostly avoid, but this one was actually surprisingly good! It's exactly what you expect, but so much moreso than just "predator hunts people, eventually the good guys kill it."

Cherry 2000 (1987): This is crap. It was crap in 1987 and it's crap now. But it's weirdly good crap, has a nice car, and a deranged Tim Thomerson... er... but when is he not.

Nemesis (1992): Speaking of Tim Thomerson, I watch this one every few years and each time I really enjoy it. It's not a good movie... at all, but there's a lot of really clever stuff here. And a lot of completely over-the-top scenes that you just have to see to believe.

Strange Days (1995): I hadn't seen this in years, and kept telling my partner we should watch it, but to be prepared in case I misremembered and it wasn't good.... but no it's excellent. The VR stuff is totally believeable and with modern VR what it is now, very plausable. And the actual plot - wow is that on point for our times, and it's done so well.

Borderlands (2024): As a big fan of the game... well, I wasn't expecting much. I was right - there's not a whole lot here that's worth watching. If you haven't played the game, definitely don't waste your time - most of this is just blatant fan service, done poorly. It was clearly intended to be campy and funny and utterly failed at both of those. If they'd got the casting right, maybe it could have been okay... but no, they didn't.

Deadpool & Wolverine (2024): I've watched most of the whole MCU stuff, and laughed my ass off at the first Deadpool, but I couldn't get more than 30 minutes into this. I was so not into Deadpool's 4th-wall breaking mid-life crisis in the beginning, and then all the characters are just jerks who beat each other up. Nothing of value here at all.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024): Really great! Lots of Nazi punching and Nazi shooting, and we really need that right now. But also a well-told story vaguely about stuff that probably happened kinda like this. I also love that Ian Flemming is portrayed.

Dune (2021, 2024): Why do people keep rehashing this? Look, I get that it's maybe a bit more like the book than the 1984 one, and it sure was pretty, but can we stop now? Overall... yeah, seen it, nothing really new here.

Wizards (1977): We hadn't seen this in years, and so got a little altered, and put it on. Still relevant, especially as early animation, but very obviously a product of its time. I'm glad we watched, but it's not great overall. I still say my favourite scene is the one about killing Fritz.

Aniara (2018): Interesting film about getting stranded on a generation space ship heading basically nowhere. But it's not really about space, it's about the people onboard and how they deal with it. Sure is something, though really slow and I'm not sure if I can say it was actually good.

Assassination Nation (2018): Kinda a slasher film but the plot was actually scarrier than the blood - what if all of your private messages went public? Would your town turn into anarchy like this one did? This was kinda excellent, and deeply disturbing.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things (2021): It's Groundhog Day again, so you know exactly how this it works, but that's ok, because this version is really charming and romantic.

Supercollider (2013): I really wasn't expecting much, but as I am a fan of good bad movies, and have occasional insomnia, I put it on... but this wasn't at all a good bad movie. Clever premise for sure, but clearly low budget and poorly acted. Including Robin Dunne, who I enjoyed in the show Sanctuary, but I think he plays the same character in everything. Probably don't bother.